Pesto Made with Spinach

Pesto Made with Spinach

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The benefits of spinach are many. I really like using different leaves for making pesto, this one uses the abundant spinach leaves that are full of great benefits. I personally love this as a spread on toasted sourdough bread and topped with avocado and cherry tomatoes. Need to be a bit careful as this recipe can be aggravating for Pitta, so its only suggested now and then.    

Low in fat and even lower in cholesterol, spinach is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese. In other words, it’s loaded with good things for every part of your body!
Abundant flavonoids in spinach act as antioxidants to keep cholesterol from oxidizing and protect your body from free radicals, particularly in the colon. The folate in spinach is good for your healthy cardiovascular system, and magnesium helps lower high blood pressure. Studies also have shown that spinach helps maintain your vigorous brain function, memory and mental clarity.
In order to retain the rich iron content of spinach while cooking – lightly – add lemon juice or vinegar.

Spinach Pesto

  • A 400g pack of washed spinach leaves
  • 2 Chopped garlic cloves 
  • A big handful of pine nuts or sliced almonds,  dry roast them in a frying pan for a couple of mins to add flavour.
  • A small handful of fresh basil chopped
  • 3 Teaspoons of olive oil
  • Himalayan salt to taste


Place a few spinach leaves, garlic, pine nuts, basil and a little oil in a blender and blend until leaves begin to disintegrate 
Keep adding spinach leaves a few at a time with small amounts of oil to blender, use a wooden spoon to keep combining the mixture.
Process until spinach pesto mixture is smooth. Add salt to taste.

You can use this pesto for a pasta dish or as a spread on sourdough toast with avocado and sweet tomato.

Linda Bretherton

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