Morning Evacuation, Bowel Movement

Morning Evacuation, Bowel Movement


Ayurveda recognizes that the digestive tract is the very first place where imbalances arise in the body.  Most of us have suffered from constipation, diarrhea or some other affecting bowel imbalance but are afraid to disclose it.

Fortunately, Ayurveda is not afraid and has a lot to say about it, and the truth is, for all of us our bowel habits and stools show us a great deal about what our bodies are going through and what we need to return them to balance.

Lifestyle Issues

Most people fall short of this. With the kinds of lifestyle we lead, it is difficult to maintain perfect digestive health, but this is why talking about evacuation is so important, so we can foster balance in our lives, in our stool and in the body as a whole.

According to Ayurveda, it is important to evacuate the bowels every morning. That's simple enough, or so it sounds. But why is it so important?

What happens if you skip a morning, or wait until later?

No big deal, you might think. On the contrary, not emptying your bowels in the morning impacts both your physical and psychological wellbeing. Being regular and following nature’s, with your own body's, rhythm makes a huge difference in how you feel during the day.


Why early evacuation is important?

The body's clock always tries to follow the cycles of nature. During night time, Soma, or lunar energy, is more predominant, so our body focuses on lubrication, cooling and nurturing.


In the morning, when the sun rises, our body goes into absorption phase when Agni, the active, burning and transforming solar energy dominates. If during the day, you carry around the waste material you created at night, you may absorb some of that waste material into your system.

The toxins your body is trying to get rid of will be released into your system again, and weaken your immune system.

You are also carrying some extra weight in the lower abdomen, the seat of Apana Vata which, in addition to elimination, governs the sexual functions and the menstrual cycle. If you don't support your body's natural intelligence to evacuate its waste material, you may feel fatigued, drowsy and irritable during the day.

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According to ayurvedic principles, one should evacuate the bowels every morning, and feel that the colon is clean and light. Feeling energetic and relaxed are signs of proper evacuation. Twice a day is normal, but at least once a day is essential. Don't ignore your urges and don't wait.


If you don't have a bowel movement every day on a regular basis, you are probably constipated. Constipation can be a result of several diet or lifestyle factors such as lack of enzymes and beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, not eating enough fiber, dehydration, stress and ignoring one's natural urges.

Drinking extra water helps elimination.

 Since bowel movement affects your entire physiology, you cannot neglect or ignore it.

With a few changes in your diet and routine, you can get in tune with your body's internal clock and make regular elimination a part of your daily routine.


 Triphala is one of Ayurveda's most well-known formulas for helping the digestive system. Sold in powder or capsule form, they are easy to buy online and sometimes from a good health food shop. Triphala will help to bring your digestive system into balance.

Linda Bretherton

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