The Ayurvedic Potential of Ether/Space is found in the Vata Dosha

  1. The only Prakriti that claims the element of Ether/Space is Vata

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This element is the primordial birthplace of all creation and in Ayurvedic terms our source of connection to the cosmos.

The Vata body type has great potential.

This is what Maya Tiwari says about Vata - " Vata has the greatest potential among all three doshas for attaining a profound spiritual life. This Dosha is ruled primarily by the subtle body and its ethereal existence ......... space - akasha - is often likened to Brahman or pure consciousness"

All vibrations occur within ether / space, the vehicle which links every particle of existence, forming our reality and our experience of life.

All forces exist in space, the gravitational force, electromagnetic force, the weak force and the strong force, and it allows all possibilities to exist at the most microscopic levels.

At the macroscopic level, it is in the space that surrounds us, that we experience daily life.


Space occurs around objects and in nature. We say that we ”need space” to think and to feel unpressured and this sense of space affects us more immediately than the other elements. We interact with space as a concept and as a reality. When it is removed from us, when we are confined, we suffer.


We need space in our minds to understand things. We see and feel the emptiness of space. It provides the place for air movement to occur and without space, we would not hear sounds since sound waves travel through space.


Every space within our bodies allows movement of air and fluids, the input of essential elements and the output of sounds, expired gases, and waste materials. Space is linked directly to the element of air.

At the quantum level life consists of pulses of energy that differ in frequency between life forms and “non-living” matter. At the sub-atomic level, we have the same ingredients, as a flower, or a bird, a rock or a drop of rain.

We have the elements of ether / space, air, fire, water, and earth within our bodies in the form of acids, enzymes, fluids, tissues, and the movement and function of muscles and organs. These elements and our pulse of life are sustained by nutrition in the very broadest sense and we get that from food, from our breathing and from the attention we give to ourselves. We flourish when given the right kind of attention and wither when given the wrong kind.

'our pulse of life are sustained by nutrition in the very broadest sense'

Ancient teachings

Ayurvedic principles came to us from seers, philosophers and people of wisdom, of over 7000 years ago, people who were connected to the natural world with an intimacy that might seem hard to achieve nowadays.

Using intuition, meditation and the powers of insight from the place of all consciousness from the Akashic Fields of all potential these originators knew the human condition in ways that now seem remarkable.

The message from Maya Tiwari says, " When Vata recognises their true role in this multi-faceted existence , it will become easier to initiate a physical and emotional embrace with their dynamic and potential counterparts. For Vata, the bridge of self-acceptance is the longest and hardest to cross. In recognising its potential self , it becomes easier for Vata to invite the evolving self."

Understanding your Vata will bring inspiration to your life.



Linda Bretherton

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